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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Choices Affecting the Sexual Strength of Man!

A Health Study highlighted following critical lifestyle and diet behaviors:
·         Carbohydrates - Slow verses Fast!
·         Fats - Natural verses Artificial!
·         Protein - Animal or Plant!
·         Body Weight - Your BMI!
·         Exercise - Is It Important?
If you glance at this list, three significant components emerge: Diet, Weight, and Exercise. Now you may think that this is only applicable to women. It isn't so! Each of these factors will have an effect on your cardiovascular health and hormonal equilibrium. Each of these factors also affects the healthiness of your endothelial cells and their ability to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide production is the most important component to the sexual strength of men.
 Let's see how all of these factors impact your sexual strength.
The Diet factor!
You are what you eat and drink. The sexual fitness of your body and the cardiovascular health of your circulatory system will be very much determined by your foodstuff and drink choices. These choices will also impact the potential for illness and how you age.
Your first choice is in the area of carbohydrates. If you choosing foods and drinks that are high in fast carbs (simple sugars), then you need to understand that:
·         Fast carbs upset hormone levels.
·         Fast carbs generate the potential for high blood sugar that can direct to diabetes.
·         High blood sugar can destroy the endothelial cells of your blood vessels reducing the creation of nitric oxide which is dangerous for good sexual and cardiovascular fitness.
Choice of diet:
Slow carbs will help to keep your blood sugar levels normal and your hormonal levels balanced. Drink water instead of sugary drinks and diet sodas. Drinking water hydrates your system, helps you balance your hormone levels, and provides an aid in weight management.
Now, the area of fats: Eliminate all trans-fats from your diet and replace them with natural, heart-healthy fats. The Nurses' Health Study clearly showed how disruptive trans-fats are to fertility in women. As little as four grams of trans-fat (equal of two tablespoons of stick margarine, one medium order of French fries or one doughnut) began to upset their hormonal balance.
We can be as affected by trans-fats as women are. It's time that you incorporate foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as wild, cold-water fish, walnuts, and flax seeds etc.) as essential fats help to balance hormone levels and promote healthy cell function.
Now, the area of protein: According to the Nurses' Health Study, women who got their protein from plant sources rather than from animals took a big step toward better fertility. Animal protein can harmfully affect your sexual fitness. It also has a direct influence on cancer!
If one is not willing to give up his beef, pork or chicken, then invest the time, energy and extra cost to make sure that these sources of protein are hormone free. This also applies to his dairy products. Much of the industry still relies on hormonal injections into their livestock to help increase food production. Eating meat from these animals and their byproducts will affect his hormonal levels. If he isn’t willing to switch to plant-based protein sources, then make sure his meat and dairy sources are hormone free.
The Exercise factor!
Exercise is important for both sexual and cardiovascular fitness. Inactivity saps the body of its ability to respond to insulin and makes you less efficient in absorbing blood sugar.
People who exercised on a regular basis:
·         Feel better about them.
·         Think they are more sexually desirable.
·         Experience greater levels of satisfaction.

The Weight factor!
Weight has an effect on the sexual strength of your body. Why? Because fat interferes with your hormonal balance! Fats also strain your cardiovascular system. This supplementary pressure on your cardiovascular system will compromise your sexual strength. Presently, 66% of Americans are overweight with at least a third being obese. Diets are not the respond. Americans have been dieting for the last 50 years. It has had no real impact on decelerating overweight and obesity rates.
You need a model shift from "dieting" to "healthy eating". Make food choices based on how it improves your health and wellness rather than how it impacts your weight.

The Nitric Oxide factor!
You have no life without nitric oxide. Your cardiovascular system could not function properly without it. The sexual strength of your body revolves around the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide production is dependent upon the strength of the endothelial cells of your blood vessels, and sufficient supplies of the essential amino acid L-arginine.
High blood pressure, high sugar levels, high cholesterol levels and smoking etc. all affect your endothelial cells in a harmful way. Damage to these endothelial cells will decrease nitric oxide production. This can compromise the blood flow to the sexual organ resulting the decreased in sensitivity and/or erectile dysfunction.
Since nitric oxide is synthesized from the essential amino acid L-arginine, your diet needs to include protein sources and/or supplements that contain this amino acid. It needs to be emphasized that L-arginine is not a hormone and it is not testosterone. However, when properly brought into the body it can cross the blood-brain barrier to signal the hypothalamus to naturally trigger the pituitary gland to produce growth hormone. This is the key to eliminating any negative side effects usually associated with hormone supplements like DHEA and HGH.
Note that L-arginine has a dark side and can cause some serious side effects. Read the article, "L-arginine, Nitric Oxide and Sexual Health!" for more information on this essential amino acid.
If you continue a life of passiveness, animal protein ingestion, sugary drinks, foods made from refined grains, increased body fat, and inadequate nitric oxide production, then you will become part of the new reality for America. This new reality includes epidemic increases in diabetes, continued high levels of cardiovascular disease and stroke, continued high levels of cancer, and poor sexual strength especially for those over the age of 40.
                    As Aristotle said, “we are what we repeatedly do!"

                  By taking the essential stepladder to improve your diet, manage your weight, exercise appropriately and increase your body's ability to produce nitric oxide you will experience positive changes in the sexual fitness of your body.


Imtiyaz Alam said...
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kwaigone said...

i love your blog VERY interresting!

Lung Cancer Treatment said...

We should eat food by choice which has been healthy and nutrition.. Take care of yourself..