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Monday, January 24, 2011

Men’s sexual strength

Men’s sexual strength:

The sexual strength of men is not as complex as that of women. Let somebody see a certain sort of figure and if his brain and nervous system are working appropriately to generate nitric oxide, then, usually, a reaction will occur. That's not to discount any mental, emotional, and spiritual components but it is the physical part that has the greatest collision on man's sexual strength.
Two superseding issues kept surfacing. These two health issues have been constantly here. The first is hormone levels, whereas the second one is cardiovascular health. Most men would understand how hormone levels could apply but few ever consider cardiovascular health.

Hormone Levels!
At its simplest level, sex is just a hormone motivated function designed to carry on the species. With that said, the sexual health of American men is in difficulty. Testosterone levels have been declining over the last two decades. Testosterone is the prime male sex hormone. It plays a key role in sustaining bone and muscle mass. Low levels of testosterone have been connected to lowered libido and Diabetes. Diabetes can have an effect on the endothelial cells of the blood vessels compounding the problem of lower testosterone levels.

Cardiovascular Health!
Your cardiovascular health is as vital for your sexual health as it is to your entire health.The reason why centers on the health of the endothelial cells. The creation of nitric oxide occurs in these endothelial cells. Nitric oxide researchers believe that nitric oxide can accurate up to 90% of all penile dysfunction. When the endothelial cells are broken by high blood pressure, high sugar levels, cholesterol, and smoking etc. this decreases nitric oxide creation. Endothelial cells and their aptitude to produce nitric oxide are dangerous to the sexual health of men.
Over the past 20 years, the level of testosterone in American males has lessened by 16%. Researchers don't know why. But some clues are there. The up to date Nurses' Health Study exposed some significant truths as they apply to women. Some of those realities also apply to the sexual health of men because they affect both hormonal levels and cardiovascular health.
Moreover, as testosterone levels have lessened, (which has resulted in reducing muscle mass and tone, metabolism and energy and an increase in body fat).
Every day you replace approximately 1% of your cells. That means that 1% of your body is new today, 1% is new tomorrow, and. You choose whether those new cells will be nourished appropriately or feebly. You choose whether you will have healthy and vibrant cells that act young. Or, unhealthy and inactive cells that act old.
The sexual health of your body will be affected by the choices you make. I call it "The 1% Solution!" and it will positively affect the cardiovascular and sexual health of your body.


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